

Well-clipped hedges are excellent plants for defining and giving structure to a garden, and for many gardeners a hedge is preferable to a fence or wall. However, hedges can be tedious and time-consuming to trim. Nonetheless with imagination you may be able to overcome some of the problems.


Many established hedges will respond well to quite severe height or width reduction, which will cut down considerably on the amount of trimming required. Cut back to about 30cm (12in) lower or in from the final height or width, to allow for new growth. Improving the shape of a straight-sided hedge by sloping the sides will marginally reduce the amount to be cut and make pruning easier.

Alternative Plants

Think about using low-maintenance plants if you are planting a new hedge. It may even be worth replacing a rather boring or very formal hedge with a more easily maintained and attractive alternative. Informal flowering hedges only need cutting back once a year after flowering, whereas formal hedges usually require clipping two or three times a year to look good. A beech or hornbeam hedge requires only one clip a year, in late summer.

Hedging ideas for exposed gardens
Hedging plants recommended for gardens