
Garden Power Tools and Saws

Good-quality tools always make the job easier. sharp blades make clean cuts that heal rapidly.


This is a good general-purpose pruning saw. It has a curved blade that narrows towards the tip, making it easy to use among congested branches. It is also easy to use above head height, because the backward-pointing teeth cut on the pull stroke.


This is a general-purpose tool for cutting through thicker branches. Choose one with teeth on just one side of the blade.


Because this saw is designed to cut on both the pull and push strokes, it cuts fast and is useful for making horizontal cuts low down on a plant. However, it is difficult to use in a confined space.


Electrically powered models are suitable for most gardens. They can be mains or battery powered, but mains-driven types can be used for longer periods of time. Always carry the cable over your shoulder to avoid accidents. Battery-driven models are useful for a small or remote hedges, where access is difficult with a cable; the charge may not last long enough for a long hedge without recharging. If you have a long stretch of hedge to cut, use a petrol- (gasoline-) driven model, which can be be hired.


• Electrically powered tools must be used with a circuit breaker.

• Wear goggles to protect your eyes and (if necessary) ear defenders to protect your ears.

• Take extra care with power tools when standing on a stepladder as your balance will be affected.

• Do not use electrical equipment during or just after rain.